The Friends of Schuylkill Parks and Recreation

The Friends of Schuylkill Parks and Recreation is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization working to provide financial support exclusively for the County of Schuylkill for the restoration, revitalization and development of county-wide parks and recreation system.

The Friends of Schuylkill Parks and Recreation will advise as well as secure funds to assist Schuylkill County in its efforts to create a system of parks and recreation, which would::

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  • Enhance the quality of life for residents
  • Attract visitors thus supporting the local community
  • Increase recreational activities
  • Protect natural resources and increase environmental awareness and stewardship

The Friends of Schuylkill Parks and Recreation (FSPR) will conduct income operating activities and pursue special support from individuals, businesses, and foundations in order to provide financial support exclusively for the benefit of public parks and recreation programs owned and/or administered by the County of Schuylkill. The FSPR will also serve as an advisory board to the Schuylkill County Commissioners in regard to county park interests.



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